
花语大全 浏览

真诚不变的爱——trueth love

我足以与你相配——I be enough to match with you

等待爱情——wait for love

让人感动的爱——let people`s touched love

爱在你身边—握山—the love beside you

情窦初开——begin to love

生命|等你回来——wait for you to come back


热恋——hot love

爱的誓言——段凯中the oath of love

纯洁的爱情——White love

永恒的微笑——eternal smile

一叶代表祈求 二叶代表希望 三叶代表爱情 四叶代表幸福——one leaf is entreaty,tow leaves are hopes,three leaves are loving,four leaves are happiness.

悲伤的回忆(日本)/相互思念(韩国)——the sad recollect|think fondly of each other

永恒的爱/一生的守侯/我们的爱 ——our loves

无法停留的爱 ——the coudn `t stoped love

Sincere love of the same

I have enough to match with you

Waiting for love

Love of people moving

Love around you

First love

Life / Waiting for you

Departed love and revenge, despair, love, death and love unpredictable


Oath of Love

Pure love

Eternal Smile

Representatives pray two leaves leaf clover on behalf of love on behalf of hope on behalf of well-being of four leaf

Sad memories (Japan) / each miss (Republic of Korea

Eternal love / life tarried / our love

Can not stop love


等待爱情——wait for love —— Lavender


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